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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  May 31, 2015 6:00pm-6:16pm EDT

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ho was shot in garland, he had already been arrested. we had suspicion. let's hire a thousand more f.b.i. agents. let's hire people to do the investigation and quit wasting time on innocent american people. let's be very clear why we're here. president obama set this program up the president obama who once was against the patriot act, the president obama who said you know what, we should have judges write warrants. the president who once believed in the fourth amendment is the president now scooping up all your records illegally and then he feigns concern and says we need to pass this new bill. he could stop it now. why won't someone ask the president why do you continue? why won't you stop this program now? the president has every ability to do it. e the president has every ability to do it.
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>> time has -- >> and i intend to protect the constitution. >> the time is expired. and the expired. under the previous order the senate stands in recess subject to the call the chair. >> u.s. senate gambling out a little less than an hour ago. we are expecting them back momentarily for a series of up to three procedural vote on moving forward with the bill passed by the house the so-called usa freedom act. again, we expect's vicinity gavel in momentarily is there less than six hours away from the expiration of the provisions of the patriot act. a couple of posts from reporters on capitol hill. a tweet from for border and a
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bc says who left the capitol just as the gop conference we can begin sen. rand paul. not sure if he will be back when the senate returns, but we will find out momentarily. chad program of fox says senator paul's opposition to renewing the nsa programs are a successful fundraising exercise. the leader of the house is weighed in with a statement issued earlier today calling for the senate to pass the measure passed in the house. he said in his statement al qaeda, isis, and other terrorists around the globe continue to plot attacks on america and our allies. anyone who is satisfied with putting this critical intelligence capability go dark is not taking the threat seriously. i urge the senate to pass the bipartisan usa freedom act and do so expeditiously. the statement from speaker john weiner. covering capitol hill for reuters and says senator kirk told me he is now a yes vote on usa
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freedom. the usa freedom act and the consideration of whether to move forward on that measure a week ago 57 votes to move forward. they needed 60's. senator kirk voted against cloture as it is called the last time around. in favor. two votes shy. either way the measures will expire at midnight. the only version that can pass without the exploration of the the house passed usa freedom act which appears to be what the senate will take up. the house is coming in the session on monday back from their memorial day recess. they come back tomorrow at noon eastern's for morning our speeches. obviously you can follow debate in the house when
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they return tomorrow. also on c-span tomorrow another senator enters the republican race for president in 2016 senator lindsey graham announcing his intentions tomorrow in central south carolina his hometown. live coverage of his announcement beginning at 1030 eastern over on c-span. you're watching c-span2's. whatever the case may be. we will be here. when they gavel backend which we expect to be momentarily on c-span2. still waiting for the senate together back in so we will take you back to the beginning of the session this afternoon's. 4:00 o'clock eastern and shortly thereafter heard from the democratic leader. >> mr. president, we are here now facing yet another crisis with the violent patriot act provision set to
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expire a matter of hours in a matter of hours. in fact, and less than eight hours before the expiration of this critical program. that that is what we are faced with. tonight's deadline is certainly no surprise. as a junior senator from utah republican noted the more we have known for years that this was approaching. like so many other occasions mr. blankenship has pushed the senate and our nation to the precipice. but we now face is completely avoidable. the java leaders to have a plan. in this case in this case it is clear that the majority leader simply did not have a plan's. the majority leader at five months to get a bill from community. instead he bypassed the committees altogether and brought this to the floor
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unilaterally's. no committee hearing. majority leader recently said no more games. that place did not last long five months. in fact speaking to my friend the ranking member of the community's he said this past so easy the last two years. majority leader is by months to coordinate with the house was passed fisa reform weeks ago. in fact it appears the house and senate republican leaders are completely different pages. everyone saw this coming. it was clear the senate did not have the adequate time to consider trade legislation. the surveillance legislation
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and, and, of course the highway bill. i said that. others said that. one house republican congressman says his dribble. the majority leader's handling of this bill could have handled it in a better way by be more prepared in advance and ran out the clock pro working on trade 1st. probably should have ran the clock and caught on surveillance. i don't know what is trying to do here's. it's in spite of all the warning signs' the senate majority leader set up a collision course with no plan on how to resolve it. the only plant was to jam it through last friday night. this despite the fact the overwhelming majority of the
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house members opposing extension and a dozen senate republicans oppose the extension so voted last thursday. i'm sorry last friday. so is it any wonder that majority leader's on republican senators' to matters into his own hands? caught offguard by member of his own congress last week who refused to allow the senate to extend the provision for program second circuit. again a junior senator's here on the floor for ten hours or so. i disagree. but we are not in this mess today's because the junior sen. from kentucky. we're. we're in the mess we are today because of the majority leader. the majority leader should have seen this coming. everyone else did. even those in his own party. the republican mayor has
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repeatedly election this body as to how it's a it should function but his actions of the senate not a function of it we can do without more lectures and the fine statements. we can do with more strategy and planning and communication because the majority leader's job to have a plan a plan prior to that prioritize what must be done. in this case my friend's simply did not have a plan. that that is why we are here's staring down the veil of yet another unnecessary manufactured crisis that threatens our national security. we have heard with the head of the cia said today. he is afraid that something will happen. that is that is not just my assessment of the situation's or the head of the cia. even republicans feel the same way. the republican junior senator from montana said yesterday we could have done this a week ago.
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this is the nature of washington, always manufacturing a crisis. fortunately there is a clear way out past the usa freedom act which the house overwhelmingly passed with 338 votes on a totally bipartisan basis's. all we need is a few more republican senators to vote with democrats in the bill pass. just three maybe four, maybe five but a few senators. i am confident we can pass this bill. the majority leader would bring it to the floor for a vote. now procedurally it will be extremely difficult to not allow this not have this law -- not a bill, the small expire. does passing this bill, they are not here. so it is not going to happen it's the house members who
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will object. passing the usa freedom act is the only way i can foresee the patriot act provision did not expire. now is the time for majority leader to do what is right for the privacy and security of all americans. >> house democratic leader harry reid just as the senate cayman's. covering the senate. rand paul did not say much entering the capitol building just now but he certainly did not seem like he was standing down's. here on c-span2 waiting for the senate to gavel backend to resume consideration of the usa freedom act or begin consideration on the expiring provisions of the patriot act's set to expire at midnight tonight. they were supposed to have devil than ten minutes ago. we understand our meetings on the democratic and republican side and those
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are still underway. live coverage of the senate when they gavel backend. in the meantime more debate from earlier this afternoon. >> i was i was struck by what the democratic leader said's. of course the history of this. we are here in a manufactured unnecessary crisis. it is a manufactured unnecessary crisis. last year over one majority past improvements to the patriot act. did away did away with the parts that have now been's declared illegal. we did that but but i get past the filibuster. fifty-eight votes. fifty-one votes to pass something. and the leader we will recall how hard he worked to try to get that through 's.
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the republican leader said no we will wait until next year. well next year came's. we have wasted so much time. there has not been a single hearing or anything on alternative, but to my friend right when he says the house passed this to the one's overwhelming. republicans and democrats together to get rid of the illegal parts of the patriot act's to pass an improvement just take it just take it up and pass it. allowed to have these straight up or down vote i guarantee you i guarantee you it's the majority of senators of both parties would vote for. i just want to say that while the leaders on the floor. >> mr. president. >> the senator's. >> i began my comments' on
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the usa freedom act. i'm going to speak for a moment of personal matter's. i have known beau biden since he was child. their when i came here one senator was one term. that was joe biden. i knew of the tragedy his family had gone through and i cherish time with his office right near my. his son would be there with them. >> we break away here as is the u.s. senate gavel backend for procedural votes on the usa freedom act. live coverage on c-span2 f three provisions that will expire at midnight tonight. section 215 business records section 206 roving wiretap authority and the lone wolf
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provision. unfortunately, those efforts were unsuccessful. the lone wolf and roving wiretap provisions however are not i repeat not the subject of controversy with the house bill. so i would propose that we extend at least the lone wolf and the roving wiretap authorities while we continue to litigate the differing views on section 215. more specifically, i would propose that we extend those two provisions lone wolf and roving wiretaps for up to two weeks. soap mr. president having said that, i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to the immediate consideration of a bill which is at the desk to extend the expiring provisions he related to lone wolf and roving wiretaps for two weeks, and that the bill be ready a third time and passed,


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